Monday 25 February 2013

Week 3 Observations

I have now completed 3 weeks of my new gluten-free lifestyle. And what have I noticed? Have I noticed any difference yet? Here are my observations so far...

  • I have lost a shed load of weight! Particularly from my bottom half. And now none of my trousers/jeans fit! I was quite slim before but now I look skeletal and there is no way that I would ever choose to lose weight by dieting so this is out of my control. My ribs and hip bones and collarbone are also more visible. I want to know, is it normal to lose so much weight in such a short space of time on a gluten-free diet? I haven't actually weighed myself yet to see exactly how much weight I have lost but it is really obvious to me (and now others) that I have lost the weight. 

  • I have found that I am not as hungry as I used to be in between meals and don't need to snack as much (this can only be a good thing, surely?)

  • I get full a lot quicker when eating a meal and my portion sizes have therefore got smaller as a result. (Again not necessarily a bad thing).

  • I am also craving sweet things. I never used to be a sweet or dessert person, I always craved savoury foods like crisps and bread but now I am the complete opposite and only want sweet foods. I am discovering a whole new taste sensation that I never knew I possessed. Maybe this is because a lot of gluten-free products do contain quite a lot of sugar, I don't know, but it's definitely something new to me.

Now I know everybody is different but I am keen to hear other people's experiences in the first few weeks of going gluten-free. Is this normal? Do let me know.

I am also quite disappointed that I haven't really noticed a big change yet in my symptoms, for example, the tiredness and exhaustion, but I know these things take time. I am finally seeing a dietician next week so I am hoping that they will be able to give me some proper help.

That's all for now!


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